by: Peter Lenkefi |
Most pet owners aren�t aware that health insurance for their loved animals has been available for about 15 years now. However, both the availability and restrictions on most plans have made this type of health insurance out of reach for most pet owners. Interestingly enough, pet health insurance has changed in the past couple of years. Now, animal owners are able to afford medical procedures previously prohibitive because of the cost. But many skeptics are concerned that health insurance for pets will see an increase in the red tape us humans already encounter every day. Animal medicine is one of the few health care services that isn�t financially dependent on health insurance. Medical, dental, surgical and pharmaceuticals are all pretty much covered by health insurance in humans, but veterinary patients are responsible for all of that, themselves. Or, at least their owners are. Health insurance for pets is very similar to insurance for humans. The same fees, deductibles, coverage rates and plans are all in place, with different plans based on the age, species, and general health of your pet. Most health insurance policies for animals start around the 6-8 week range, but when the policies end depend on a variety of factors, mostly decided by the health insurance company. Some have age limits, and some don�t. And just like with humans, some health insurance companies will only accept your pet on their plan if they are healthy; others will accept them only if they have had a stable condition for more than six months in a row. Currently, deductibles stand around $100 for pet health insurance. Policy costs vary as much as human health insurance does, unfortunately. Some depend on what types and kind of coverage is desired, and yet others are just blanket coverage catch-alls. Some may only cover accidents and illnesses. And more pets usually means a reduced health insurance rate for subsequent animals. But what if you decide that an health insurance policy is not right for you, and your pet? There are other options, of course! First, discuss your situation with your Veterinarian. Some animal hospitals offer packages that aren�t quite health insurance, but can offer a rate deal of some sorts on more mundane medical procedures (spaying/neutering, vaccinations, etc.), or packages for your aging animal. Secondly, research plans that offer discounts on animal health services. PetAssure is one of these companies, but there are a myriad of not-for-profits that may offer this as a side benefit when you join. Or, these same animal not-for-profits may offer financial assistance for pet owners whose health costs are beyond their means � a sort of emergency fund, if you will. All in all, it depends on you, and your pet(s), whether or not pet health insurance is the right choice. Hopefully, with the help of this article, your choice will be an informed one. About the author: For more more information about pet health insurance please visit Circulated by Article Emporium |
miercuri, 31 martie 2010
Is Pet Health Insurance an Option?
"How To Get Fit And Slash Your Health Insurance Costs"
by: Neil Stelling |
Okay, before we start, let me explain the purpose of this article. I want you to get so healthy, you'll never need to make a health insurance claim. You'll save money by increased fitness. You'll save money with a long no-claims insurance history. And you'll look and feel much better. There's three sides to your maximum health and fitness. Diet, and Exercise. But that's only two ! Let me split Exercise into Aerobic exercise and Aneorobic exercise. Get all three right. Get the right balance. And you'll get as fit and healthy as your body and genetics will allow. Whole forests of paper have been filled with advice on each of these fitness factors. Just go into your local bookstore, and see shelves of diet advice. Shelves of exercise advice. Funny how so much contradicts itself, especially for diet e.g right next to each other on the shelf, you'll find a book advocating low carbs & low fat; another saying high fat is okay if you keep the carbs low. Yet another focuses on high protein, and says carbs don't matter... * Diet Let me give you this simple diet advice. Stick to low fat, low carbs and high protein. Many medical and weight loss studies over the last 10-20 years prove this approach. Many other diet myths come from way back in time, and look just plain wrong when analyzed with modern methods. * Aerobic Exercise Couch potatoes don't realize how easily they can start feeling fit and healthy. Just walk somewhere 3-4 times per week, for around 20 minutes each time. Ideally, do some more demanding aerobic exercise. I do a lot of cycling, because it's great low-impact exercise. And I get to see beautiful scenery while I ride. Running provides even more intensive aerobic exercise, but careful of your joints. Maybe you prefer hiking, to see the local countryside ? Or take up a sport like rowing or tennis. You also get to meet new friends by taking up exercise as a sport. * Anaerobic Exercise Many people work on their diet. Many people take aerobic exercise. But many people ignore anaerobic exercise, or weight training. What makes weight training so important ? As you get older, muscle mass decreases. Muscle burns fat. So as you lose muscle, it gets harder to keep the fat off. Equally important, weight training can reshape your body. No matter how much aerobic exercise you do, you'll still be a pear shape (a smaller pear shape) if you started out a pear shape. Using weights you can flatten your stomach, tone your thighs, bulk up your chest and shoulders, and reshape your body any way you want. Weight training is incredibly beneficial to your general skeleton strength and conditioning. Older women can reduce the effects of osteoporosis, and older men can maintain their strength and agility. This short article can do nothing more than provide an introduction to the three keys to your health. Follow these and you shouldn't need to make a health insurance claim. Slash your health insurance costs with a long no-claims bonus. Slash your health insurance costs with any insurer who rates your fitness. About the author: ========================================================== "How To Get Fit And Slash Your Health Insurance Costs" - by Neil Stelling BSc, MBA =========================================================== Circulated by Article Emporium |
Health Plans
by: Dave Markel |
Choosing a health insurance plan that is best for you and your family is one of the most important decisions you'll ever make. Choosing between health plans is not as easy as it once was. Although there is no one best plan, there are some plans that will be better than others for you and your family's health needs. Plans differ, both in how much you have to pay and how easy it is to get the services you need. No plan will pay for all the costs associated with your medical care, some plans will cover more than others. Most Americans have health insurance through their employers, and every year more employers offer insurance coverage by managed care organizations (MCOs). Today, Americans are in an era of managed care. It's a new experience for most people. Managed care companies may decide what doctor you will see and when, and what treatments will be covered. It requires you to make some important decisions because not all managed care plans are the same. In choosing a health insurance plan, you have to decide what is most important to you. All plans have tradeoffs. It is worth asking yourself a few questions such as: � How comprehensive do you want coverage of health care services to be? � How do you feel about limits on your choice of doctors or hospitals? � How do you feel about a primary care doctor referring you to specialists for additional care? � How convenient does your care need to be? � How important is the cost of services? � How much are you willing to spend on health insurance premiums and other health care costs? � How do you feel about keeping receipts and filing claims? You might also want to think about whether the services that a health insurance plan offers meet your needs. Call the plan for details about coverage if you have questions. It is worth considering the following: � Life changes you may be thinking about, such as starting a family or retiring. � Chronic health conditions or disabilities that you or family members have. � If you or anyone in your family will need care for the elderly. � Care for family members who travel a lot, attend college, or spend time at two homes Most health insurance plans provide basic medical coverage, but the details are what count. The best plan for someone else may not be the best plan for you. For each plan you are considering it pays off to find out about a range of things from physical examinations and health screenings, care by specialists and prescription drugs to vision care and dental services. It is also important to find out about the various offered services such as medical counseling as well as what is on offer. Ask if a certain service is limited or not covered. You should find out if what is provided is what you require and if there are special programs for certain types of illness. It is also worth finding out about medicines and equipment that may be needed. Find out what types of care or services the plan will not pay for. These are usually called exclusions. Few indemnity and managed care plans cover treatments that are experimental. Ask how the plan decides what is or is not experimental. Find out what you can do if you disagree with a plan's decision on medical care or coverage. Finally you should think about the location of services and how far you may be prepared to go for care. On this subject you should consider whether or not the plan handles care when you are away from home. After you review what benefits are available and decide what is important to you, you can compare plans. Many things should be considered. These include services offered, choice of providers, location, and costs. The quality of care is also a factor to think about. About the author: For more great articles about Choosing a Health Plan visit Circulated by Article Emporium |
Health Insurance and health care
by: Mike Yeager |
Health insurance is something that everyone needs today. The rising cost of visiting a health care provider or a hospital stay makes it imperative that everyone have some type of health care coverage. Government statistics estimate that over 40 million people in America are not covered by any type of health insurance on any given day. That's an enormous number of people who really are taking a financial risk. Even if you're on a tight, limited budget, it's very important that you pick up some kind of affordable health insurance. Even if you only have a plan that covers unexpected hospitalization, your peace of mind will be greatly enhanced. Keep in mind that a catastrophic health insurance policy can come with a high deductible before their coverage kicks in. They don't pick up the cost of preventive physician visits or emergency room visits to get a few stitches. Some questions to ask when considering affordable health insurance. 1) Can your and/or your family afford to pay ALL your medical expenses if you're sick or injured? 2) How much is the deductible? 3) How much are the premiums? With a little searching and comparison shopping you find the best rate for your personal affordable health insurance. About the author: Mike Yeager Author/Publisher Circulated by Article Emporium |
by: Tim Frady |
America is getting more obese every year. Even our children are becoming dangerously obese, even though we are more self conscious over our appearance. So what's the magic bullet to getting trim and fit. Well, I'll be honest, there isn't any. First, we are all limited by our heredity. If your father has a spare tire, you're probably going to be predisposed to have one yourself if your a man. If you're a woman, you are going to have fight off your mother's big hips. Today Americans have more money than they ever have before. No matter what people say about the economy, gradually over the years, Americans have become richer, and they eat to prove it. Even poor families eat more than middle class families of previous generations. Poor families often find it even harder to lose weight because junk food is cheaper, and they don't have enough money, or as much time to be active, other than working. If your job requires you to sit all day, you are in a world of hurt as well. You are not going to burn very many calories sitting all day. Plus boredom tends to create a desire to eat more. So what am I suggesting? Here are some thoughts you might want to consider. First of all, you really have to want to be in shape if you are going to have a prayer of losing weight. It's not easy. You've got to want it. Second, you have to make a decision in your life to live healthier. Eat moderately all the time. Don't starve yourself and set yourself up for failure later. Your metabolism is just going to slow down anyway. Most of the time people just eat too large of portions. Keep your portions moderately sized, and eat more times a day. Stop eating when you are full. There is no need to stuff yourself every meal. And, contrary to what your mother may have taught you, you don't have to eat everything that is on your plate. The smaller your portions and the more times you eat the faster your metabolism is going to be. Here is the biggest thing people don't want to do. You have to exercise. Moderate exercise can bring you from obese to a much healthier size. Find activities you like to do, and do it. The more you enjoy it, the more you'll be able to stick with it. No excuses. There really is no reason not to attempt to get into shape. I heard something from a preacher's sermon that really makes sense. He basically said that some men work half of their lives to make money, and then give away the same money the other half of their lives to try and regain the health they lost gaining the money in the first place. The idea is don't put work in front of health. Health costs are getting worse all the time. Unless your health insurance is great, you can't make enough money to overcome the health costs you are going to have if you don't take care of yourself now. If your excuse is that you are too out of shape to do anything, or you just can't cut back on your food because of depression, boredom, etc. Then see your doctor and ask what you can do to start heading towards physical fitness. You've got one life to live. So don't waste it. The biggest problem we face in America today is laziness. Pure and simple. Did you know that working out helps you when you are depressed or having problems with anxiety. The more you lay around, the more discouraged you are going to get. It's a terrible cycle. People say they are too tired from working. I can understand that, but even 30 minutes a day can make a big difference. Work out during the commercials while you watch television. If you've got kids take them outside and play with them. Kids are doing nothing, but watching TV and playing video games. If you play with your kids your helping yourself and them at the same time. It's a lot easier to keep it off than it is to lose it after you gain it. So even if you think you are in great shape, don't stop working out. It's a lot easier to keep up a steady routine than to have to burn off extra fat. Your body tends to fight you when your losing weight by giving you cravings for food. Just remember your body is more important than your big screen. Don't just sit back watching football all day. Go play some football. Live life don't just be a spectator. About the author: webmaster of several site and weight lifter. check out these health and fitness magazines for great exercise tips Circulated by Article Emporium |
Caregiving across the Miles�Tips for Successful Long Distance Caregiving
by: Torey L. Farnsworth |
Caring for a parent or a loved one is a difficult job. Your duties as a caregiver become increasingly difficult as the miles increase between you and your loved one. The following are a few helpful tips in order to plan ahead in the event your loved one needs your help, as well as ideas on how to become a successful caregiver once your caregiving duties begin. 1. Have a discussion with your loved one. Years before the need for caregiving arises, discuss ideas and thoughts with your loved one. Discuss with them their thoughts on possibilities of relocation, assisted living or nursing home care, and end of life arrangements. Make sure all of their legal and financial needs have been met. Talking with your loved one ahead of time will make them more comfortable with the idea of needing help down the road. 2. Design a �Family Plan of Action�. Before the need arises, get the family together and discuss responsibilities and divide them up accordingly. Devise a plan to keep in contact with those members who may be out of state by frequent phone calls, emails or set up a private chat room on the internet for family discussions. Investigate costs for care and travel expenses. Design contingency plans in the event that funds run out, level of care increases, and availability of family is limited. 3. Gather emergency contact information. Make a list of important emergency numbers such as out of town family members, family friends, physicians, attorneys, clergy, etc. To help preserve this list in the event of an emergency, place this list in a zip lock bag and store it in your loved one�s freezer where they keep their ice cubes. Place a magnet on their refrigerator with a note as to the location of this list. 4. Gather important documents. Locate important documents such as social security card, Medicare and/or health insurance cards, legal documents such as living trusts, wills, and powers of attorney, all financial statements including life insurance information and real estate deeds. Inform the family regarding the location of these documents. Keep copies of powers of attorney in the event you need to make health care or financial decisions from a distance. 5. Organize and set up a network. Contact relatives, friends and neighbors who live close by your loved one. Ask them to routinely stop by and visit your loved one, and ask them to contact you if they observe anything out of the ordinary. Find out about community programs that provide services such as meals or transportation, and get them involved. Consider hiring a geriatric care manager to help coordinate the care. 6. Make the most of your visits. Schedule and attend physician appointments with your loved one when you are in town, and keep yourself informed with your loved one�s diagnosis. Meet with members of your network, and ask them detailed questions about their interaction with your loved one. 7. Keep a journal. Take detailed notes of your loved one�s care such as their progress, medications, changes in level of care, recent injuries, personality changes, etc. A journal will help keep the family organized, as well as provide helpful information for the physician or other caregivers who might be involved in your loved one�s care. 8. Be observant. Be aware of changes in your loved one�s personality, their appearance such as lack of grooming or soiled clothing. Verify that the mail is being opened and the bills are being paid. Set up a consistent schedule for communicating with your loved one, and pay attention to what they�re �not� saying. Remember, your loved one doesn�t want to give up their independence, and they may not always tell you the truth. 9. Re-evaluate the situation. Assess your loved one�s situation and don�t be afraid to make adjustments as the circumstances change. Don�t hesitate asking for help from other family members, and investigate the potential for placement in a care facility or hiring a full time live-in caregiver if the family and physician deems necessary. 10. Care for the caregiver. Don�t allow yourself to get to the point that you experience burn-out. Get help from other family members, as well as take time for yourself. Maintain a healthy diet and exercise daily. When caregiving becomes too much for the family, and the level of care is beyond your immediate resources, seek out other options. Don�t let your guilt get in the way of providing the best care for your loved one, even if a care facility or full time caregiver must provide that care instead of you. Above all, remember to allow your loved one to remain involved in the decision making process for as long as their decisions do not negatively impact their health or safety. Remember to discuss your concerns with their care in a sensitive manner. Your loved one deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. Be realistic about the situation, and in addition to looking out for your loved one�s care, remember to look out for your own as well. About the author: Torey L. Farnsworth, CSA has over 12 years of experience working with seniors. Ms. Farnsworth�s vast expertise encompasses a wide variety of senior issues ranging from adult care to elder law. Most recently, Torey served as Elder Law Director and Paralegal for a Phoenix based law firm where she provided assistance in a variety of areas including long term care planning, estate planning, ALTCS eligibility and Medicaid planning. Ms. Farnsworth is also a certified caregiver with the State of Arizona as well as a Certified Senior Advisor. Ms. Farnsworth has spent her career in senior care as her family owns and operates assisted living homes. Ms. Farnsworth currently owns her own senior care placement business called Horizon Senior Care Referral. Her placement services are free to seniors and their families in Arizona. For more information, visit Circulated by Article Emporium |
Be Wary of Discount Prescription Drug Cards
by: Stephen Dayton |
The newest thing in the American medical savings game is prescription drug cards, where users pay a monthly fee (anywhere from $10-100, approximately) that nets them discounts at their local medical establishment. Doctors, pharmacists, dentists and even hospitals are all jumping on the discount prescription drug card bandwagon. And although they sound like an excellent idea to most consumers, these discount prescription drug cards do carry some risks. This article will detail what to look out for so that you remain an informed medical consumer. How Does it All Work? Usually, discount prescription drug card programs work in the same way. The card company works on the clients� behalf, getting discounts at a variety of medical establishments. However, the discounts that are �purchased� are not done with the provider directly, but rather with a �preferred provider organization� (PPO). At times, this system works so poorly that cardholders have walked into their medical establishment with their discount prescription drug card, just to be told that the institution has no knowledge of the discount program. Since there is no regulatory body for discount prescription drug cards, the people who sell these cards need not be licensed or even knowledgeable about the health care field. And when you do walk into the pharmacy with one of these cards, it�s hard to even tell if you are getting any sort of discount at all; many health care providers do not offer any sort of price list for their services in the first place. Is There a Problem Here? Well, some legislators in Georgia and Kansas think so. They�ve passed laws stating that discount prescription drug card providers state in �prominent type� that they are not insurance programs, since more than a few consumers were making this mistake. Other states have taken legal action against these discount prescription drug card companies. In one instance, Argus Health Plans was sued because allegedly they signed customers up for a free trial period, and then charged those same customers� credit cards with no prior authorization for a discount card membership. More than a dozen other suits are still pending investigation or trial with other discount card providers throughout the US as well. So How Do I Save Money on My Prescription Drugs? OF course, not all discount prescription drug cards are poor consumer choices. However, without more legislation in place, consumers are at risk to be scammed while trying to save money. Of course, there are still other ways to save on your prescription drug costs, such as: - Keep dibs on the fluctuating prices of your prescription drugs, as costs can differ quite dramatically between pharmacies; - Ask your doctor to prescribe the generic version instead of the brand name version; and - Try and get health insurance coverage if you don�t have it already. With a bit of know-how and investigative work, you�ll be able to save on your medications without having to resort to discount prescription drug cards anytime soon. Copyright � Stephen C. Dayton 2005 About the author: Stephen C. Dayton is the staff writer for author of many articles relating to health issues helping the public to be better informed of the options available to them in today's online world. Circulated by Article Emporium |
Bariatric Surgery Costs
by: Eddie Tobey |
The cost of Bariatric surgery can be quite high. The typical price of an operation can be $25,000 or more. Medical insurance coverage varies by state and insurance provider, and although some states have legislation in place that requires insurers to offer weight loss surgery for patients, providing it meets health criteria laid down by the National Institutes of Health, other states do not. This means that patients who would benefit from bariatric surgery often have to contend with providers that have not yet accepted that this kind of weight loss surgery can deliver powerful medical benefits that will save them money in the long run. A patient encountering this problem may have to work with his or her surgeon to prove to the health insurance provider that the proposed surgery is not a cosmetic procedure, but a potentially life-saving operation that will minimize future health problems. Individuals who are interested in bariatric surgery and are on Medicare will be glad to know that it covers weight loss surgery for morbidly obese patients with an obesity-related or condition. Morbid obesity is defined as 100 or more pounds overweight or a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or more. Of course, the costs do not end once a patient successfully undergoes bariatric surgery. Because weight loss can be significant, many individuals are left with loose, sagging skin that no longer has the elasticity to fit the new, slimmer shape. Since neither exercise nor diet will help tighten loose skin, many bariatric patients choose plastic surgery as a remedy. The cost of bariatric-related plastic surgery operations can vary significantly, depending on the patient�s condition, complications, the type of anesthesia, and other factors. Some of the more popular post-bariatric surgery procedures include: abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), body lift (circumferential panniculectomy), brachioplasty (arm lift), breast lift, augmentation, or reduction, face and/or neck lift, and thigh lift. About the author: Bariatric Surgery Info provides detailed information on bariatric surgery, including cost, patients, centers, diet, financing, and complications, as well as specific procedures like laparoscopic and bypass surgery. Bariatric Surgery Info is the sister site of Gastric Bypass Surgery Web. Circulated by Article Emporium |
Arizona Drug Rehab Finding Help in Arizona
by: Jeff Lakie |
The state of Arizona has one of the worst drug problems in the United States. Historically and currently, the state is known as a transhipment location for a variety of drugs, including heroin, cocaine and marijuana, which are imported from other countries. As a result, these and other drugs are widely available in the state, and their abuse is common. There are probably few states that require the presence of rehabilitation centers as this one does - thankfully Arizona drug rehab centers are some of the best in the world. There is a wide range of treatment centers in Arizona that employ a range of different techniques to help the patient break their addiction. Some of these will have particular specialisations, which might be more appropriate for certain types of patient, so it is always sensible to find out as much as you can about an Arizona drug rehab before making an appointment. Services like will be able to provide you with treatment center listings in your area, with basic descriptive information to help you make the best decision for you. Some of the features that might help influence your decision for the best: � Does the center have a particular religious affiliation? While Christian centers, for example, might be willing to accept non-Christian patients, many will feel more comfortable in a non-denominational center, or one that practises their own faith. � What type of care is available? Ensure that your chosen center has a program specifically for drug detoxification. Other kinds of therapy will be useful, but it will be necessary for the patient to make a commitment to ceasing drug use also. � What facilities are available? Some Arizona drug rehab centers will only cater to outpatients, which may not offer enough support to a badly addicted patient. Find a center that provides inpatient care. � What payments options are available? Does the center accept Medicare, Medicaid or private health insurance? If you are not involved with any of these programs, can your center offer sliding scale payments? There are many high quality Arizona drug rehab treatment centers available, but it is important that you choose the best one for you or your loved one. Never hesitate to contact a center directly to find out more about their facilities, or to find out whether they can cater to any special needs you might have. The right treatment center is out there, and with a little investment of time and effort, you will find it. The best treatment for you or your loved one will be well worth it. About the author: Jeff Lakie is the founder of Rehab Resources a website providing information on drug and alcohol rehabilitaiton treatments Circulated by Article Emporium |
An Introduction to Medical Billing -
by: Damian Sofsian |
A growing number of professional, experienced health consultants and medical claim processors are needed in the country today. Healthcare is such a large and technologically driven industry that knowledge and procedures used today are likely to be seen as far outdated only a few years from now. To keep pace with all the various procedures, techniques, and technologies available and distinguish one from the other in a clear manner, definitions are made and coded for every kind of surgical procedure, diagnosis, and complaint. These definitions and codes help doctors ensure that they are compensated accurately for their services by the health insurance companies. Medical billing is the process by which the needed data for completion of all the necessary forms (insurance cards, patient info, encounter forms, diagnosis, treatment, etc) is collected and processed for payment. This data is then entered into one of a variety of competing medical billing/patient accounting software programs. Medical billers are also responsible for following up using effective paperwork and time-management skills. Having been trained to understand an insurer�s EOB (explanation of benefits), the medical biller must review all claims for errors. If not all of a patient�s balance is covered by insurance, the medical biller has to decide if the balance will be written off or billed to the patient. The main job of the medical biller is to ensure that the physician or facility receives optimal reimbursement for services rendered. Weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly reports are often generated by the accounting software to show the client (physician, facility) whether they are losing or making money on various insurance contracts. Besides the above main responsibilities, a medical biller must have or develop the following skills: � Understand and be able to explain insurance terms and benefits to clients and patients � Accurately read and complete claim forms � Perform bookkeeping activities � Bill insurance companies and patients promptly and accurately � Handle everyday medical billing procedures � Document all activities using the correct terminology � Schedule appointments � Follow-up with insurance companies and patients on unpaid bills Medical billing is a growing opportunity to the ever-expanding health industry and many people are finding satisfying and well-paying careers working both at hospitals or small clinics and from home running their own medical billing small business. About the author: Medical Billing Info provides comprehensive information about medical billing software, services, jobs and companies. Medical Billing Info is the sister site of Medical Billing Software Web. Circulated by Article Emporium |
An Explanation of Medical Billing Software -
by: Damian Sofsian |
Medical billing is an increasingly popular office or home-based small business opportunity that involves using skills and knowledge in medical terminology, insurance claims, and customer service to ensure that physicians and clinics receive payment from patients and insurance companies. Whether working from home based small-businesses or at large hospitals, every medical biller utilizes medical billing software. Though still referred to as medical billing software, today�s electronic medical billing software is also more accurately called medical practice management software and covers many functions. Up-to-date medical billing software will generate a variety of reports based on data, manage appointments, as well as collect, transmit, and track billing information and payments. Current medical billing software will also make sure that records are kept in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act security standards. When deciding on software to buy, compliance with this act is an important consideration and will help you steer clear of some of the software scam artists out there. When considering software for a medical billing business, here are some things to ask yourself or potential suppliers: � Does the software include the ability to manage several different accounts? � Can the software handle multiple doctors or multiple offices? � Does the software recognize current procedure and diagnosis codes and it is updatable for the future (very important!) Many vendors will allow a trial use of their program to see if it fits your needs. You will also be able to address whether the supplier answers questions in a timely fashion and if the are helpful in a trouble-shooting situation. Remember that a good medical billing software suite will cost at least $500 so don�t be fooled by people trying to sell $50 products that don�t even function. Though electronic billing is still mainstream, there is a movement towards online billing where a subscription is setup on the web allowing a paperless entry of patient information, claims, and more. This service will cost more than $200 per month so you have to research and weigh the benefits of a one time investment for electronic medical billing software that is local or the online web-based software that can be used from any web-connected computer or device. About the author: Medical Billing Info provides comprehensive information about medical billing software, services, jobs and companies. Medical Billing Info is the sister site of Medical Billing Software Web. Circulated by Article Emporium |
A Canadian Pharmacy is a Lifesaver for Some Americans
by: Jay Moncliff |
Many of you may have heard about the ongoing war between the Canadian pharmacy and the American pharmacy. The American FDA has recently been trying to crack down on prescription drugs imported from Canada to the United States. But why is this? What exactly got the FDA's feathers ruffled? The FDA states that it is illegal to import any prescription drugs from overseas. Anything found at the United States border will be seized. But this shouldn't include a Canadian pharmacy. Canada isn't even overseas... right? That's what many Americans say who frequently cross over the American border into Canada to go to a Canadian pharmacy. This has gotten the FDA a tad angry. Now why on earth are Americans going to a Canadian pharmacy? With the rising prescription drug costs and the lack of good affordable health insurance many can't afford to buy it in America. Canadian pharmacies often save people as much as 40%, if not more. For some people, a Canadian pharmacy is the only way they can afford to get their much needed medication to survive. Just recently, you can now order from a Canadian pharmacy online and have it mailed directly to your home. The FDA states that getting prescription drugs from a Canadian Pharmacy is not safe. However, they have never shown any evidence of this. They also state that purchasing prescription drugs from a Canadian pharmacy will lead to lost jobs for us Americans. There is no evidence of this either. Besides, people still can't afford to buy there prescriptions in America anyways. In fact, some states (like Wisconsin and Texas) encourage people to buy prescriptions from Canada and they are even attempting to incorporate a prescription drug plan with Canada. A Canadian Pharmacy is safe and legitimate. There is no evidence that a prescription from a Canadian pharmacy poses any health risks. They also insure the same quality and potency as American prescriptions but at a much cheaper price. To make you feel more at ease, all Canadian pharmacies ask that you have a prescription from your doctor and include you medical and allergy history before you can purchase any prescriptions. This is also the same if you order from a Canadian pharmacy online. Before ordering online from any company, make sure that the company has a legitimate address and that they provide a toll free number with live operators to assist you. Purchasing prescription drugs from Canada is an answered prayer for many Americans. Some Americans wouldn't know what to do if it wasn't available. It gives peace of mind knowing that there is still an affordable way to get the prescriptions people need, even if the FDA doesn't like it. About the author: Jay Moncliff is the founder of http://www.1-online-pharmacy.infoa blog focusing on the Medical, resources and articles. This site provides detailed information on medicines. For more info on medicines visit: Circulated by Article Emporium |
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